St Martins of Tours
The Church of St Martin is a small but very pretty lime washed church dating in parts from the 13th century and has been designated by English Heritage as a Grade II* listed building. It has a
'sheila na nog' on the outer South wall and a 6 bell tower with regular ringing practice at 7.30pm on Wednesday evenings and ringing for services on the first and third Sundays. See our Gallery page for more pictures of this beautiful church.
Secretary to the PCC
Jenny Kinahan
[email protected]
(01278) 732190
Weddings, Christenings and Funerals at St Martins
For Parish enquiries please contact:
The Rector: Rev. Alison Waters ,
The Rectory,
27 Brook Street.,
Tel: 01278 652953
Email: [email protected]
Benefice Website: www.QCB.btck.co.uk