Book Swap and Coffee morning - the first Saturday in each month, 10am to 12md. £2 entry, which includes swapping a book or taking a new one. A cooked breakfast is available to purchase some months. For details, phone Ruth Brazier 07721 012178.
Jumble Sale, 2pm, Saturday 22nd March. 50p entry. Refreshments available. Jumble can be delivered between 10.30 and 11.30. Any queries contact a committee member - see the committee page.
Fiddington Show, 3pm Saturday 19th July. Entry free. Come and enjoy a cream tea!
Jumble Sale, 2pm, Saturday, 9th August. 50p entry. Refreshments available. Jumble can be delivered between 10.30 and 11.30. Any queries contact a committee member - see the committee page.
Jumble Sale, 2pm, Saturday, 8th November. 50p entry. Refreshments available. Jumble can be delivered between 10.30 and 11.30. Any queries contact a committee member - see the committee page.
Christmas Dinner Saturday 13th December, 7pm. For enquiries phone Carol Taylor 07870 238102.
Book Swap and Coffee morning - the first Saturday in each month, 10am to 12md. £2 entry, which includes swapping a book or taking a new one. A cooked breakfast is available to purchase some months. For details, phone Ruth Brazier 07721 012178.
Jumble Sale, 2pm, Saturday 22nd March. 50p entry. Refreshments available. Jumble can be delivered between 10.30 and 11.30. Any queries contact a committee member - see the committee page.
Fiddington Show, 3pm Saturday 19th July. Entry free. Come and enjoy a cream tea!
Jumble Sale, 2pm, Saturday, 9th August. 50p entry. Refreshments available. Jumble can be delivered between 10.30 and 11.30. Any queries contact a committee member - see the committee page.
Jumble Sale, 2pm, Saturday, 8th November. 50p entry. Refreshments available. Jumble can be delivered between 10.30 and 11.30. Any queries contact a committee member - see the committee page.
Christmas Dinner Saturday 13th December, 7pm. For enquiries phone Carol Taylor 07870 238102.
Fiddington Art Group
Day and Time: Wednesday morning from 10.00am to 1.00pm.
Contact: If you are interested in joining or would like further information please contact Sue Young 01278 733554 or Richard Brazier 01278 734565
Fiddington Book Club
Day and Time: Meets monthly.
Contact: Jenny Kinahan: [email protected]
Details: A small group who meet regularly to discuss selected novels. If you are interested in joining or would like further information, please contact Jenny Kinahan